Unprimed Hardboard Masonite Boards - Phil Starke Studio

Unprimed Hardboard Masonite Boards

masonite boardsIf you like painting on a toned board, a good surface is a masonite, or hardboard panel, without any gesso or primer.  The boards have a nice warm tone to them and I find it easier to judge values on a darker surface.  They do need to be sealed so I use a clear shellac, sprayed or brushed on.  I use this for smaller boards, 10 x 12 and smaller.  The surface gets too slick with larger boards.
Home improvement stores carry these boards and they will cut them for you.  I do recommend the spray shellac, it’s easier and less messy.  I apply 3 coats of shellac about 10 minutes drying time between each coat.

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Joyce Nelson says July 9, 2013

Thank you Phil. If you gesso the panel do you still need to shellac? Thank you. Joyce

    Phil Starke says July 9, 2013

    Hi Joyce,No you don’t need both. They are 2 different ways to seal the board so it dosen’t soak up the oil.
    Good to hear from you Joyce.

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